Damn She Talks A Lot
A day in the life of people from all walks of life. Where nothing's off the record, and everything is up for discussion. Creating a global perspective one conversation at a time. New episode every Sunday!
Damn She Talks A Lot
Behind the Scenes- COVID ER
Ariel Guthrie
Episode 2
Behind the scenes of one RN working in the ER during a global pandemic. How he came to own a nonprofit serving communities facing extreme poverty around the world, and why he says it helps him be a better nurse during COVID. We are lucky enough to have technology and information at our disposal in the US. Please utilize them and educate yourself, as it is a luxury compared to some other countries who do not have the same freedom of press, availability of technology and resources.
Disclaimer: For information on COVID please visit the CDC website (www.cdc.gov)